With the new Call To Action feature in Spokal, you can now add overlay call to actions to your curated social shares that will link back to any page that you’d like to promote to your followers.
You can easily add the CTAs to be published with any social share that you create either from the Calendar page, the Feedly posts or using the Browser Extensions.
In addition, you will be able to track their performance and see which ones drive most conversions.
Create a Call To Action
First, you need to create a CTA. To do that, from your Spokal Dashboard, go to Social > Call To Action
Click on the link ‘Create one now!’
Next, customize your CTA:
- Name the CTA (this name will appear when you’re assigning a CTA to a social share and only you can see this)
- Add a call to action (write a copy that invites your readers to follow the link from the CTA)
- (Optional) Enter a title that explains more about what your visitors can expect
- Add a link to where you want to send the visitors who click on the CTA (this can be a post on your site that’s related to the content you’re sharing, a page where they can download an eBook, a Newsletter sign up page and any other link that you want to promote to your targeted audience)
- (Optional) Upload an image to go with your CTA (this can be your company’s logo or any image that relates to the CTA)
- When you’re done, hit the ‘Create’ button and that’s it!
NOTE: If you want your CTA to link back to one of your blog posts, simply start typing in the url field within the CTA and select an article from the list of your published blog posts.
In the same way you can create as many CTAs as you like and of different types, depending on what you want your CTA to be.
IMPORTANT: You will only be able to assign the CTAs to your new social shares. There will be no option to add a CTA to social shares you saved before the Call To Action feature was introduced.
Assign a CTA to a social share
There are multiple ways to add a CTA to your curated social shares.
1. Create a new social share from the Spokal Calendar
In the Calendar page, click on the blue + button at the top right
Add a url to a post you want to share and click on the ‘Link’ button
Click on the ‘No CTA‘ icon at the bottom of the social modal
Select a CTA from the list and ‘Save to Curated Tab’
Once you select a CTA from the drop down menu, you will see the name of the CTA that is going to be published with this post.
You can then choose to schedule the post manually or automatically and the social share will be published with the assigned CTA. To add the posts to your Recurring Content, simply enable Recurring before saving.
This is how the CTA will appear to your readers:
2. Import posts from your Feedly account
In the Calendar page click on the Feedly tab at the far right
If you want to add a share to your library of Recurring Content, click on the ‘Promote’ button next to it.
When the popup window opens, select the CTA you want to publish with the share by clicking on the ‘No CTA’ icon and selecting the name of the CTA from the drop down list.
Save the changes and the post will be added to your recurring queue or turn the recurring off before saving the post if you want to schedule it manually.
3. Assign CTAs using one of Spokal’s browser extensions
When you click on the Spokal extension to save a post from the web, you will find the same option to assign a CTA that you want to go along with the post you’re saving to Spokal.
4. Edit a scheduled share in the Calendar
You can also open any scheduled item in the Calendar by clicking on it and assign a CTA that you’d like to see published with that social share.
Open the Calendar page and click on an item to open it for editing
Click on the ‘No CTA’ icon to add a new CTA or on the CTA name to select a different one from the list and save the changes.
5. Modify your saved recurring items
You can modify the CTAs for any of your Recurring items from the Recurring Content page.
Click on the post you’d like to edit and in the popup window, choose a different CTA from the drop down menu by clicking on the CTA name itself or choose ‘No CTA’ from the drop down list if you want to turn the CTA off for a specific post.

Track the performance and edit your CTAs
To see how much engagement each of your CTAs has gotten, navigate to the Call To Action page.
You will find the number of impressions and interactions as well as the conversion rate for each CTA that’s been published.
Click on the header of each column to re-order the CTAs.
To edit or delete a CTA, use the appropriate icons in the ‘Actions’ column.