How to Connect Your WordPress Site

In order to unlock the key features and use the Spokal editor for publishing (or scheduling) blog posts to your WordPress site, you need to connect it to Spokal first.

Watch our tutorial video to get started or follow the steps below to connect your website.



If you’ve just created a Spokal account, select ‘Connect Your WordPress Site’.

Connect 2

The link to connect your WordPress site can also be found on the right hand side of the Dashboard when you login to your Spokal account.

Dashboard Connect WP link

NOTE: If you’ve connected your Social Accounts first, then look for the Connect WordPress menu on the left side of the Dashboard.


Choose how you want to connect your WordPress site

Connecting your site automatically

Connect WP 1
To connect your site automatically, simply enter your website’s url and the login information that you normally use for signing in to your WordPress site.

Click on ‘Install Plugin’ and Spokal will get your WordPress site connected in no time!

Automatic Install


Please note that you have to be the site’s administrator in order to be able to connect the WordPress site automatically.


Connecting your site manually

To connect your site manually, select the tab ‘Connect Manually‘ and follow the steps below:


Connect WP 2


1. Download the Spokal plugin for WordPress



2. Login to your WordPress site and navigate to Plugins > Add New

Plugins addnew


3. Click on ‘Upload Plugin‘ at the top of the page

Upload plugin


4. Select ‘Choose File‘ and open the file that you’ve just downloaded from your Spokal account

Choose file


5. Click on ‘Install Now‘ and then on ‘Activate Plugin

Install now

Activate plugin


Once you have Spokal plugin installed and activated, there will be a new menu item on your left called ‘Spokal’. Click on it to open the Spokal plugin page.

Spokal plugin 1


1. Copy the API key from your Spokal account

Copy API2


2. Go back to the Spokal plugin page in WordPress and paste the API key



3.Click on ‘Connect‘ and wait for the status to change to ‘Connected’





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