How to Send Leads from Spokal to your CRM

Want to send leads from Spokal to your CRM?
As long as your CRM has a Zapier connection you can.

For the purposes of this How-To we’re going to use Nimble as a CRM – but you can set this up with any CRM that has a Zapier connection. (see a list here)

To get started, either go to, and open a new account (it’s free), or log in to your existing Zapier account.

Then log in to your Spokal account, and navigate to Account > Connect Accounts, and click on Zapier.



Open the instructions, and click on the Spokal Invite link. You will be guided to a quick sign-up screen and after that should get to the Zapier dashboard. You’ll need this to make Spokal accessible in Zapier.



Next we connect Zapier to Spokal by going to our icon in the top menu and selecting Connected accounts



Now back in the Spokal app you go to the Zapier icon and under the instructions where you clicked on Spokal Invite you can find your API key, copy it (if it isn’t generated click the button to generate)




In Spokal on the Zapier tab, under the API Key you have an option „Only send leads when they reach a specific score“

If this option is switched to ON then your lead information will be sent only when leads have reached a desired score, which you can set here.

We strongly recommend leaving this OFF when setting this up. That way when you enter an email address into a Spokal CTA on your website it will be immediately sent to Zapier. Once it’s up and running, we recommend turning this ON (even if you just set it to a score of 1) because you’ll get more data.

If the leads are sent directly to Zapier, they are often sent without FullContact data – so you’ll only get whatever information they input in the form. If you set it to trigger (even with a score of 1) the delay in sending the lead gives us time to collect additional information about them from FullContact, so you’ll get more complete records in most cases.



To see your leads’s score, from your dashboard navigate to Leads page


Leads page


Now back on Zapier on Connected Accounts in the drop down menu Connect new account find Spokal and you should have a pop up to name your account and enter the API Key.



After inputing all the correct information your screen should look like this:



Our next step is to connect our CRM account. This process works with any CRM that has a Zapier connection.We’re using Nimble to demonstrate the process, but it will be similar with any CRM.

Sign up on Nimble for a free trial, or log in to your CRM.




Most of the data (like First Name, Last Name, Email etc) should already have fields set up in your CRM, and will map normally. However we also send a contact link that lets your sales team view the lead’s full details on Spokal without having to login to Spokal. (Spokal Essentials and higher plans only)

So, we’ll add a field for this url in Nimble.

In Nimble go to My Account and in the side menu select Data Fields



Click on New Tab and name it in the Field Settings (In this case it is named Contact URL)

Now add a New Field and again in Field Settings name it (named Contact Link).

This will allow you to map this specific data through Zapier.

Now you go back to Zapier.

On Zapier you connect the Nimble account the same way as the Spokal account but choose Nimble from the drop menu.

A pop up will ask you to sign in to your account and authorize it.



After that you go to make a zap and now you have a few steps for setting up your zap.

In the first step input Spokal as the trigger app and Nimble as the action app.

Under the app menus you have drop down menus where you select the trigger (under Spokal) and action (under Nimble).



When you click continue Zapier will open the next steps for you to input information:

Step 2 and 3 will test your Spokal and Nimble account.



Leave step 4 as it is and go on to the next step.

In the next step (5) you can input the available data from clicking on the Spokal button and selecting the appropriate category. This way you are mapping your leads for the CRM. So data input here will show up in Nimble (or CRM of choice)



Earlier we input data fields in Nimble and now we have a field in Zapier – Contact Link in our case, you can insert the Spokal link for leads that can be used without having to log in to Spokal.


In step 5 this option will show up as it was named in Nimble



By clicking on Insert fields you get a list where you find the option The link to the Spokal page with complete details for this lead



Which will then input the data like this:



This produces a link in your CRM which shows the leads information without having to log into Spokal.

Now we finish the process in Zapier.

Next click on Test zap with this sample.



After it shows a successful test and you click Continue name the zap and turn it on.

Now your leads will be sent to Nimble and mapped with the parameters you selected on step no. 5.

So in Nimble it will look something like this:



Lead data (name, email etc) will be mapped into your CRM, and additionally the Contact Url will be on each lead record.



The link opens Spokal’s Contact details page for that contact without having to login to Spokal – ideal for your sales team. (note: this only works on Essentials or higher plans, if you click the link on the Starter package you’ll be directed to the login screen). The Spokal contact page looks something like this (depending on the available information).



That’s it. Once it’s setup it’s all automatic, and if you find the lead quality to be too low, simply increase the target score in Spokal.


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